Roger's Gaming Cabin

A game is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude.


战斗系统玩法切片验证 / Combat System Gameplay Slice Verification



The combat system gamplay slice verification developed in the POC phase of the project aims to create a playable combat system prototype on the premise of minimizing the production of experimental assets, reusing paragon’s free assets to save time and cost. The demo shows the main components of the combat system including more naturally blended state machine-based character navigation system, dagger transition system, monster combat AI, combo system with input timing variation mechanism, precision spatial dodge system, monster climbing system and so on. Defense and blocking systems are also in the design scheme, but the prototype has not yet been implemented. In the process of development, I was responsible for the combat system design and documentation, AI enemy design and implementation, while another dedicated programmer was responsible for building the technical framework of the entire demo and the preliminary implementation of each system function. I also involved in verify the output along with adjust and optimize the implementation detail, such as the climbing position of the monster climbing system and the optimization of the leap curve. The specific demonstration video and detailed documents are as follows Check the demo video and detailed design documents as below:

演示视频/Demo Video

如果下方的嵌入式视频无法加载,请前往YoutubeBiliBili 查看。
If the video widget doesn’t load, please check it on Youtube or BiliBili.

设计文档/Design Documentation

各系统设计文档草案如下,请右键在新窗口内打开以缩放查看 / Detailed design docs are as below, please right click the image to open in new tab for zoom in/out check:

战斗系统大纲/Combat System Overview:


连击与目押系统/Combo System with Input Timing Variation:


匕首跃迁/Dagger Transition System:


怪物攀附系统/Enemy Climbing System:


闪避系统/Accurate Spatial Dodge System:


怪物AI行为方案/Enemy AI Scheme:


玩家行为与战斗系统核心玩法/Player Combat Interaction and Gameplay Loop:


命中与受击判定系统/Hitting System:


攻击反馈方案/Player Hitting Feedback:
