Roger's Gaming Cabin

A game is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude.


Echoes of Memory - An indie game themed in Alzheimer's disease for art exhibition audiences

演示视频/Demo Video

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“Echoes of Memory” is an indie game project focused on the theme of Alzheimer’s disease, which provides players a unique journey of recovering lost memories utilizing interesting features of Non-Euclidean space and the physical nature of sound. It is designed to be a spiritual journey in a maze of memories where the player wanders across 8 rooms of memories set up spatially as a Rubik’s cube. Each of the rooms represents a different stage of the protagonist’s life, but all were unfortunately forgotten by the protagonist.

Unlike Rubik’s cube in the real world, each of whose cube is only connected to a specific set of other cubes, our maze is placed in a non-Euclidean space and the connection of each cube becomes uncertain. Heading through the left door from one cube room, you might find out yourself end up in a room that is located at the lower right side of the original room mysteriously.

This mechanism is also a reflection of the symptoms of people with Alzheimer’s disease, who often experience short-term memory loss and forget why they are in the current space and what they were doing before as if they were suddenly teleported to an unknown location(Burns and Iliffe, 2009). We simulate the patient’s experience through teleport gates designed per the principle of “What you see is not where you go”, to form a sense of dislocation in spatial cognition, thus making players understand the seriousness of the disease more immersively, as well as to raise their attention to the disease in real life.

To anchor yourself in the dizzying Non-Euclidean space, the physical nature of sound will be your humble and reliable assistant. The sound waves bounce back when they hit physical obstacles thus helping you reveal hidden objects and entrances as well as giving you hints on what to do next. The directional information of sound source makes it possible for you to listen for a clue to determine spatial position relations between rooms.

The essential difference between each individual lies in their unique experience and memory. Explore the memory rooms that bring together important memories at different stages of life, and find the anchor of a peaceful mind from the chaotic spiritual world.

开发者日志/Dev Blogs

Please find dev blogs from here.